Statuette >

The statuette of MUZYCZNY ORZEŁ is entirely made of bronze and placed on the brass stand. It shows a figure symbolizing an orchestra conductor proudly honouring renowned musicians after a finished concert, to the accompaniment of loudly applauding concert listeners. It is an original concept successfully materialized by the eminent Cracow sculptor Marek Stankiewicz.

Marek Stankiewicz was born in Nowy Targ in 1972. In 1998, he graduated from the Sculpture Faculty of the Academy of Fine Arts in Cracow, where he studied under the guidance of Prof. Józef Sękowski. He has made and exhibited graphic works created with the use of the monotype technique. As a sculptor, he specializes in metal techniques, mainly bronze, though he is also keen on working in stone. Among his works there are numerous awards, well-known from the media, which were given during galas and festivals. They were presented to the biggest Polish music stars, poets, writers, people of culture and art, business people, and even to the heads of states.


Muzyczne Orły - statuetka Muzyczne Orły - statuetka Muzyczne Orły - statuetka Muzyczne Orły - statuetka